Coincidence or Not???

Coincidence or Not???

  AMAZING! Simple, and yet powerful equation! The secret message that emerges from it will blow your mind! Find out what great Leaders know when it comes to selecting people for projects. Do you believe it’s a coincidence or not??? IF … A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, […]

Lecture or Speech?

Lecture or Speech?

What’s the difference between lecture or speech? In my experience coaching leadership & communication skills to professionals and leaders around the globe, I’ve noticed that many people don’t know the difference between lecture and speech. Even major companies who hire presenters in a regular bases, sometimes don’t have a clear idea about the difference and […]

Do you have “The Key To Success”?

Do you have “The Key To Success”?

    How do you know if you have the minimum requirements to achieve your goal? Not sure what I’m talking about? OK! Let’s check if you have what it takes to be successful. What’s your goal? Think about one goal that you want to achieve this year in your life. This goal can be […]

Job, Career, or Calling?

Job, Career, or Calling?

How’s your MOST DEMANDING relationship doing? Work is the most demanding relationship we will ever have. Why? Because it takes more time than anything in our lives! Tons of time and efforts go into it every day. With such a huge investment, it’s important to know what type of relationship we have with work and […]

Problem or Pleasure?

Problem or Pleasure?

On my first trip to Australia I went to purchase a souvenir and after thanking the lady for her assistance, she said: “No worries!” Worries? Why would I be worried? I was traveling and having fun so it never crossed my mind to worry about anything, until now.   After few days in Australia I […]

Are you hungry to judge?

Are you hungry to judge?

You will never forget the flavor of this story. A little boy was holding two apples in his hands. His dad came and asked with a smile: “Son, can you give your dad one of your apples?” The boy looked up to his dad for few seconds, then he suddenly took a quick bite of […]

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

How do you handle adversities? When the hours are the darkest and the trials are their greatest, how do you behave? A long time ago, when I was a little lady, I went to talk to my beloved Grandmother Maria about how things were going wrong in my life and she told me a wonderful […]