Happy Mothers Day on Earth & in Heaven!

Happy Mothers Day on Earth & in Heaven!

There many types, colors, shapes, sizes, ages, genders, titles of Mothers. When one truly embraces another, whether Humans, Animals, or Plants, and have Unconditional Love & Care for another, then one has acquired the most divine gift of Motherhood. Celebrate all types of Mothers in your life: Spiritual Mother, Birth Mother, Adopted Mother, Grandmother, Aunt  […]

To Be or Not To Be … Happy?

To Be or Not To Be … Happy?

” I always feel happy, you know why? Because I don’t expect anything from anyone; expectations always hurt … Life is short, …  So love your life …  Be happy … And Keep smiling … Just live for yourself and … Always remember: Before you speak … Listen Before you write … Read Before you […]

Unconditional Love Day = Happy Mothers Day

Unconditional Love Day = Happy Mothers Day

Great Mothers are like Gorgeous Rainbows: Red Passion to keep us always safe, Orange Joy to show us to show us how to have fun, Yellow Energy to increase our personal power, Green Love to expand our compassion, Blue Authenticity to support our creativity, Indigo Intuition to expand our higher comprehension, Violet Faith in our […]

Retrospective & Perspective

Retrospective & Perspective

IN 2016 … I SUFFERED for being robbed by my closest relatives. I CRIED for being abused by a close friend. I WORRIED about the situation around the world. I ENDURED injustices and prejudices. I STRUGGLED to maintain inner peace. BUT despite it all … I PRAYED for wisdom and strength to keep going. I […]