Alchemy for Managers

Achemy For Manager by MariLiza Backstrom

Do you know who to apply “alchemy” into personal & professional relationships?

Do you know how to transform “metal” relationships into “gold” partnerships?

Discover the secrets of great leaders. Learn the different behavior styles and how to communicate with them. It makes life easier, and promotes better results in your personal and professional life.

This model highlights two important aspects of behavior: PACE & FOCUS.

Behavior Styles by MariLiza Backstrom


There is no right or wrong, best or worst behavior style.

Each behavior style has its own different strengths and challenges.
Knowing how to use the strength of each behavior style is one of the most powerful tools of the best leaders in the world.

Some outdated managers still use “ The Golden Rule” in business to communicate with people.
The Golden Rule: To treat others the way you want to be treated.

Great leaders prefer to use “The Platinum Rule” in every communication to engage people and maximize results.
The Platinum Rule: To treat others the way they want to be treated.

Science and experience has shown that the “Platinum rule” is a better & more productive way to achieve better results for personal & professional relationships.

If you want to improve your communication skills and be more effective, then find out first and foremost what is your own preference of Pace and Focus, your behavior style.

Communicator Commander Checker Collaborator
Focus People Task Task People
Pace Fast Fast Slow Slow
Motto Get appreciated Get it done Get it right Get along
Pros Great networking Get things done Attention to details Prioritize relationships
Cons can leap before looking can lack empathy can become perfectionist can get along at any cost

Leaders and Managers can use “ The Alchemy of Relationships” by understanding the “chemistry” of each person’s behavior style and using its natural properties properly.

EXAMPLE of how our behavior style can HELP or HINDER our ability to communicate with others:

The goal-orientated behavior of a commander may seem rude to a collaborator.

The attention to detail behavior of a checker may seem excessive perfectionism by a communicator.

The peace-making behavior of a collaborator may seem as time wasting by a commander

The focus on relationships behavior of a communicator may seem as superficial by a checker.



When interested in improving communication with someone using the different Behavior Styles, at home or at work, ask yourself:

  • Where do you fit?
  • Where does your partner/peer fit?
  • Where does the “difficult” person fit?
  • What type of job or role best fit that person?
  • How can you improve the communication with that person?




Communicator ·      Be friendly,

·      Include them in decision-making,

·      Provide opportunities for them to use their people skills.

Commander ·      Focus on the need for quick results,

·      Provide choices and options instead of telling what to do,

·      Show goal-oriented/solution-based options.

Collaborator ·      Help them to feel welcome and safe,

·      Encourage them to express their feelings,

·      Prepare them for change with details and goals.

Checker ·      Focus on quality results,

·      Use logic, data and facts to support your conclusions,

·      Recognize their expertise & analytical skills.

Before waiting to be understood by others, be willing to understand others.
The alchemy of the communication is the response you get.
Practice “The Alchemy of Relationships” and be astonished by the “Platinum” results you get.