Alchemy for Managers

Alchemy for Managers

Do you know who to apply “alchemy” into personal & professional relationships? Do you know how to transform “metal” relationships into “gold” partnerships? Discover the secrets of great leaders. Learn the different behavior styles and how to communicate with them. It makes life easier, and promotes better results in your personal and professional life. This […]

Am I enough?

Am I enough?

Two of my friends are suffering with personal & professional relationships. One is suffering with her professional partner’s attitude towards her job. The other is suffering with her love partner’s words about her looks. They are doubting themselves because of their partners attitudes and words. Been there and done it … until I’ve learned that […]

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

How do you handle adversities? When the hours are the darkest and the trials are their greatest, how do you behave? A long time ago, when I was a little lady, I went to talk to my beloved Grandmother Maria about how things were going wrong in my life and she told me a wonderful […]