Retrospective & Perspective

Retrospective & Perspective

IN 2016 … I SUFFERED for being robbed by my closest relatives. I CRIED for being abused by a close friend. I WORRIED about the situation around the world. I ENDURED injustices and prejudices. I STRUGGLED to maintain inner peace. BUT despite it all … I PRAYED for wisdom and strength to keep going. I […]

Job, Career, or Calling?

Job, Career, or Calling?

How’s your MOST DEMANDING relationship doing? Work is the most demanding relationship we will ever have. Why? Because it takes more time than anything in our lives! Tons of time and efforts go into it every day. With such a huge investment, it’s important to know what type of relationship we have with work and […]

Are you hungry to judge?

Are you hungry to judge?

You will never forget the flavor of this story. A little boy was holding two apples in his hands. His dad came and asked with a smile: “Son, can you give your dad one of your apples?” The boy looked up to his dad for few seconds, then he suddenly took a quick bite of […]

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

Are You a Carrot, Egg or Coffee bean?

How do you handle adversities? When the hours are the darkest and the trials are their greatest, how do you behave? A long time ago, when I was a little lady, I went to talk to my beloved Grandmother Maria about how things were going wrong in my life and she told me a wonderful […]

Are You Coachable?

Are You Coachable?

I believe everybody is Coachable, but not at all times. In my experience working as an International Coach, I’ve learned the importance of identifying whether the client is ready to commit to the work and embrace the changes. Most people want change in their lives, but very few people are really ready to make the […]

What’s Coaching?

What’s Coaching?

COACHING is a trendy profession and many people are using the title Coach, even though they are not Coaches at all. WATCH OUT! In my experience, I have met lots of people who call themselves Coaches: Health Coach (instead of saying Nutritionists), Relationship Coach (instead of saying Marriage Counselor), Business Coach (instead of saying Financial […]

Can Coaching cure?

Can Coaching cure?

IF your definition of CURE is to get rid off PAIN, then the answer is NO. BUT IF your definition of CURE is to get your GAIN, then the answer is YES. Let me share a true story that happened to me, and you will know what I mean. A few years ago I was […]