Lecture or Speech?

Lecture or Speech?

What’s the difference between lecture or speech? In my experience coaching leadership & communication skills to professionals and leaders around the globe, I’ve noticed that many people don’t know the difference between lecture and speech. Even major companies who hire presenters in a regular bases, sometimes don’t have a clear idea about the difference and […]

Do you have “The Key To Success”?

Do you have “The Key To Success”?

    How do you know if you have the minimum requirements to achieve your goal? Not sure what I’m talking about? OK! Let’s check if you have what it takes to be successful. What’s your goal? Think about one goal that you want to achieve this year in your life. This goal can be […]

What’s Life?

What’s Life?

One day a friend asked me: “What’s life all about? ” WOW! What a challenging question! Isn’t it? I was reflecting about it when my intuition kicked in and reminded me of a wonderful metaphor, perfect to explain what life is to me. IMAGINE A PAINTING SCHOOL. When you get there you receive a blank […]

Compensation or Recognition?

Compensation or Recognition?

What do employees want most? Compensation or Recognition? For most of us, once we have our basic needs covered for at least a standard living, then we turn our attention to a very important and profound factor: the feeling of making a difference. We look for it, not just in our personal life, but also […]

Problem or Pleasure?

Problem or Pleasure?

On my first trip to Australia I went to purchase a souvenir and after thanking the lady for her assistance, she said: “No worries!” Worries? Why would I be worried? I was traveling and having fun so it never crossed my mind to worry about anything, until now.   After few days in Australia I […]